MailVlag_Overlay Mail Ned
ZEA Video clips
MailVlag_Overlay Mail Ned
MailVlag_Overlay Mail Ned
ZEA Video clips

This fall I made two video clips for two songs from the new ZEA (Arnold de Boer) album We Are Still Each Other’s Only Hope.
Listening to the record unleashed a flood of ideas, two of which presented themselves so inevitably that I couldn't decide which one to choose. In short, I made them both.

Burial Salt

Click here or on the image to see it.

Alas for Mankind

Click here or on the image to see it.

Read how Burial Salt was written on the 3 voor 12 website (Dutch only)
More about ZEA / Arnold de Boer on
Buy your CD or record here:
Listen to (and/or buy) the digital album here on bandcamp

Making the video and the animation:

Burial Salt is a heartbreaking song about a fatal accident, in the form of a letter that is read aloud. I wanted to try something with 'animation' and 'writing' so made a video in which I wrote some abstract words and did some drawing, to use as an example for the animation. But I didn't have a good idea yet, and trying something out in animation is a lot of work. So I added the video itself to the music, just to see what happened. Nothing at first, but when I slowed it down and the drawing rhythm coincided with the music, I got goosebumps. Of course I don't know whether it makes such an impression on others, but to me it had that inevitability I mentioned above.

In how many ways does humanity throw itself into the abyss, think of at least ten that's what I thought reading the title Alas for Mankind. When I listened to the song again later, it turned out to be much shorter than I remembered. How do I get all that in 44 seconds!
All at the same time Arnold suggested. So I did.
The already a nice idea about the summary became really an inavitable one because of the absurd fact that it had to fit into 44 seconds. I just had to find out if it was possible!
So now many things happen at the same time, and at a rapid pace, which fits in nicely with the way we work on our own downfall, I guess.  Watch/listen more than once,
I recommend.
That is, if you like it of course.